“Expo13” is a two-track project produced by Joshua James that is inspired by a personal soundscape of 2013. A deep affection for that year’s groundbreaking and evolutionary releases drove me to try and recapture that sound in my own vein. Alongside Joshua (producer), we created an overarching soundboard of that year to pick at and zoom in on, to give a clearer direction on what the all-encompassing sound means to me. Albums like “MGMT,” “Long.Live.A$AP,” “Anything in Return,” “Overgrown,” “NWTS,” “Dual,” “Hobo Rocket,” and “Matangi” were headline releases of the year that spoke the loudest during that process. To further encapsulate and express the project’s directive and year of influence, I asked long-time collaborators SOB to design artwork that could contextualize the music visually and they didn’t disappoint.